Get Involved

UNISON needs you. Did you know that people in workplaces with union reps statistically earn more, get more holidays, get better training and are less likely to be discriminated against?

Join UNISON’s large network of people across the UK who tackle problems at work and improve conditions for themselves and their colleagues.

Being a member of UNISON is more than just carrying a membership card; it’s about what we build together to become a more powerful union. UNISON relies on its members and their time to run the union. UNISON workplace representatives (reps), stewards and other activists are the most important link between the union and its members.

You don’t have to commit a lot of time, or be an expert to get more involved, a little time and a lot of enthusiasm are all that’s needed; give it a try, you’ll be amazed how much you get out of it.

Help Your Branch

Every member of UNISON belongs to a branch. Why not get active by going along to a branch event to meet other UNISON members and find out what the branch is doing? You’ll be made very welcome and it’s a great chance to find out more about what the union is doing for you.

Branches are the basic unit of the union, they are made up of groups of members working for the same employer or several employers in the same area. Within each branch there are members with established democratically elected positions, as well as many members who help out in an informal way.

Why get active in your branch

Getting involved in your branch offers a chance for you to influence the decisions of the branch – and in turn make a difference in your workplace.

Volunteering brings personal benefits too:

it looks good on your CV.

you can get free training and learning opportunities – and time off work while you learn;

you gain valuable experience in new areas;

you can create a better workplace and better public services;

How to get active

If you want to help out, why not offer to lend a hand from time to time? What you do depends on how much time you have. You might be able to help get the room ready for a meeting, hand out information or put up posters advertising branch meetings. Just  speak to your local branch. Whether it’s a particular campaign that interests you, or a group, or just being part of the everyday running of the union, your branch will be able to help you get involved.

Make it official – branch roles

Or you could become a branch official and help members have a stronger voice together.

Branch officers organise meetings and run the branch. They are elected by branch members to take on different roles within the branch and to help organise the union’s work.

Among the branch positions are branch secretary, chair, treasurer, equality officer, health and safety officer, education officer and young members’ officer. Many branches have a welfare officer as well.

They all receive free training to support them in the role.

Take an Official Role as a Rep or Steward

Whatever your problem at work, from broken central heating to mass redundancies, UNISON workplace representatives (reps), stewards and other activists work together to protect the interest of members.

Two of the key roles are organising and recruiting new members. Organising means working with members to solve problems together, listening to members’ views, and promoting democracy and participation. Recruiting is vital because greater the proportion of workers who are members of UNISON, the stronger we are when it comes to having our voice heard, and the more likely we are to win campaigns.

Our activist roles are vital to us, and UNISON will provide you with all the training you need. In most workplaces you have the right to paid time off for this training, and crèches are usually available. UNISON reps receive complete support from the union, and there is even a dedicated online space called the Organising Space.

For more information about becoming a workplace Rep of Steward please contact the branch or visit the Activists page on the Unison website.